
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Vision, Aim... FIRE..!

Was in a business meeting yesterday where the discussion was... 'How do you get people to make things happen quickly?'.

Somehow an old marketing research mantra, derived from the world of target shooting, ran through my mind - 'Ready, Aim, Fire... and not Fire, Aim, Ready' - meaning that a little market research and some specific targeting will get you a lot further than just random shotgun techniques. Now, there is an entire discussion to be had around that little statement... and many ways to cut and dice it from different perspectives.

That stimulated me to think in answer to the opening question posed: 'Vision, Aim... FIRE..!'

And here's how I interpret it ('you' can mean YOU, your business, and/or your people):

Vision: Give your people the broad reason/picture WHY you do the things you do

Aim: Give them a specific WHAT it is you want to achieve (with a time-line)

FIRE..! Then, let them get on with achieving just that. Fire them up. Give them licence to implement. See who makes things happen... and who doesn't. Keep a helicopter view over their strategy to test for project viability and to reduce impact of unintended failure. Do not be afraid of failure - but ensure that others don't sink your entire boat with ill-prepared strategy/planning. Strategy can be developed almost instantly - in a day, and sometimes less. Keep those that take up the challenge. Get rid of those who don't. They need to find somewhere else to grow... ;-)

It's as simple as 1.. 2.. 3.. Vision, Aim... FIRE..!

You have all the motivation you need to just get on with it... make something happen... just do it!

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -


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